Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Are You Committing Job Search Sabotage

Are You Committing Job Search SabotageAre You Committing Job Search SabotageIf someone were to ask you, you might objectively state that youre a diligent job seeker. You reach out to companies to see if theyre hiring, your resume and cover letter are on point, and you even apply to many positions on a daily basis. So, why arent you getting more job offers? Are you committing job search manipulierung?Chances are, you might be- and bedrngnis even realize it.Here are some ways you might be committing job search sabotageYou applyfor positions youre not qualified for.You saw a job listing for a position that absolutely screamed your name. Thing is, you dont really have all the skills necessary for the job. You apply for the position anyway, hoping that youll get past the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). No shocker you dont.Applying for jobs that youre not qualified for is a waste of time. While there is definitely a certain amount of training and learning associated with new jobs, those j ob descriptions are there for a reason. Theyre there to let you know if you have what it takes to apply. If you dont, as much as you might want the job, its best to look for another job that you are qualified for.You respond at inappropriate times.You finally hear back from a potential employer for a job you really want. Youre at the park with your kids, and you take the call anyway. In the background, your boss-to-be hears kids screaming and your toddler telling you that hes gotta go pee pee.As eager as you are to respond to a employers call or voicemail, think first about the timing of your conversation. Are you in a location thats quiet and free of interruptions? Do you have spotty cell service? If so, wait until you can have the highlight conditions to converse with the hiring manager so you look as professional as possible.Youre a littletoo honest.You have a list of 14 jobs you applied for, in order of how much you want them. So when job 12 comes along and offers you the positi on, you tell the hiring manager that you really want to work for another company and that youll take the job for now.Employers want to feel special. They want to feel as if you want to work for their company- and their company only. So when you clue them in on your plans (e.g., youre only taking this job to pay the bills or using it as a stepping stone), it can be insulting to them. If you need the job and think you can devote the time and energy that it deserves, then take the position, but dont make your potential employer feel badly because of your blunt honesty.You dont doyour research.Youve been applying for so many jobs in an effort to expedite your job search that youve kind of lost track of all the positions youve sent your job application in to. So when youre finally seated in front of a potential boss, you innocently ask, Tell me, what is your role here in the company?One of the biggest ways to blow a job interview is by going in blind. That is, not knowing what the compan y does, the person youre interviewing with (i.e., their name, title, and length of time at the company), and the position youre applying for. Do some digging prior to the interview so youre completely prepared.You try to know it all.As a prospective employee, you want to show that youre the one and only person for the position. Thats why you answer every question confidently and quickly, and even correct your interviewer when he says something incorrectly.Lets face it nobody likes a know-it-all, especially a potential employer. While you might want to show how smart you are, all youll do is probably offend him or her. Your role during a job interview is to try to establish a connection with your interviewer and showcase all your skills, education, and previous work experience that would make you a match for the job. And thats it.Its easy to commit job search sabotage without even realizing it. Be mindful of these tips, and youll be able to have a successful job search sans sabotageR eaders, have you been committing job search sabotage? Let us know what happened in the comments below

Thursday, December 26, 2019

This study says you have to do more of this if you stare at a screen all day

This study says you have to do more of this if you stare at a screen all dayThis study says you have to do more of this if you stare at a screen all dayIts a drag staring at a screen all day. Sometimes it feels our lives are ruled by devices, be it computers, cell phones, or TVs.In fact, a new survey says that 36% of adults claimed they wouldnt be able to avoid looking at a screen for 24 full hours, and two in five couldnt recall their brde day without screens.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHycosan and Optase Eye Care commissioned a study that surveyed 2,000 British adults about their digital media habits. The survey found that the average person spends five and a half hours a day looking at screens.The typical 9 to 5 worker is having eye discomfort by 2 PM and a third of office workers say that they often have headaches brought on by eye strain. One in five have experienced bl urred or distorted einbildung.The cause of the discomfort? A lack of blinking.Humans usually blink 20 times per minute, said researchers, but when theyre concentrating on computer work, that rate of blinking drops to between just one and three times per 60 seconds.That lack of blinks is leading to uncomfortable outcomes for many, from blurred vision to dry eyes to headaches from the strain.The results demonstrate how screens have really taken over our lives, they are everywhere we look, eye care expert and oculoplastic surgeon Sabrina Shah-Desai said in a statement. Obviously its difficult to avoid them, especially in a working environment, but its vital we take steps to look after our eyes and have regular breaks from artificial light and digital devices.Shah-Desai added that it was the time when people were focusing on computer work and going long periods without blinking that uncomfortable sensations like dry eyes, redness, a feeling of grittiness, and blurred vision set in.Some people are taking heed to cut back on their time around screens. 27% of those surveyed had adjusted their brightness, and 50% took breaks from screen time. At home, they tried to stop looking at devices after 925 PM at night.Screens, screens everywhereEven though some people are taking care, that doesnt mean that abstainers are able to avoid other peoples screens, however. In fact, they cant 3 in 10 had to deal with their partner using a cellphone in bed while they were trying to sleep, and 55% saw people with their phones out at social events.One in 10 admitted phones had affected their relationships due to their partner being distracted. Just over half have been unable to avoid seeing television screens in bars or restaurants.Theres one hack to be had, however, at least at work. Shah-Desai recommends the 20-20-20 rule every 20 minutes, look away at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStranger s know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Sample Military Resume 2

Customize this Outstanding Sample Military Resume 2Customize this Outstanding Sample Military Resume 2Create Resume Qualification SummaryCompleted specialized training, creating proficiencies in computer, network and satellite communications planning, installation, training, use, support and trouble-shooting. Developed and evidenced strong and effective oral, written and multimedia communications skills, supporting technical and detail oriented training, communications and documentation. Well demonstrated ability to manage complex, technical and detailed projects from design thru completion, while being self-motivated to provide the highest quality work, superior service and optimal results.Core technical proficienciesDOS, Microsoft Office 97/2000applications, strong knowledge of networking essentials, internet browser, Microsoft mail and ftp support / training, web page design, development and publishing, database design and management, administration and support of Windows 9X/NT/2 000/ME, Cisco routers and systems, complete desktop system support, LAN/WAN connectivity analysis, support and troubleshooting, use of encryption and digital protection devices for secure video, voice and data transfer.1998 11/2000 United States Air Force leinen los Alamitos, CAInformation Systems Analyst Acted as digital communication and information systems equipment coordinator. Managed ongoing computer hardware and software issues, including dissemination of classified information over a digital network. Provided troubleshooting for software systems and system hardware on areas such as IP conflicts, TCP/IP routing, satellite signal acquisition, data path transmission and related irregularities. Experienced with Cisco routers as well as related hardware and software systems. Developed network systems engineering requirements, network design and structure. Responsible for implementing network system installations, changes and upgrades. Integrated, installed and trained users on c omplex adverse event simulation and modeling software. Provided daily hardware and software technical support for military computer and communications hardware, software and equipment. Served as Information Systems Administrator, advising and developing strategies for software standardization, compatibility, and implementation while maintaining system integrity. Managed cryptographic material, ensuring proper protocol selection, use and dissemination. Developed, documented and implemented standard operating procedures for military and civilian information systems security large office system workgroups.1997-1998 United States Air Force Sacramento, CAMilitary Personnel Technician Managed military staffing for the California Air National Guard. Performed liaison functions between high-ranking supervisors and lower rank personnel at the state level for the California Air National Guard, supporting prompt and efficient documentation, communication and resolution of all varieties of admi nistrative and evaluation matters. Maintained office files and publication library, administered and controlled personnel related e-mail and assured timely, accurate and secure communication of sensitive and/or classified information.1997-1997 Budget Rent A Car Fresno, CAStation Manager Managed customer service and relations. Recruited, hired, trained and supervised station personnel. Assisted in purchasing and financing of rental fleet vehicles.Technical, Managerial and Training ExperienceEducation1999 Present B.S., Computer Science in progress, National University (military)1995 2000 Completed a wide variety of military and civilian PC hardware, software and networked system design, training, management, troubleshooting and support training and skill development activities.Customize Resume

Monday, December 16, 2019

Job Skills for an Automated World ME Today July 2012

Job Skills for an Automated World ME Today July 2012 Job Skills for an Automated World ME Today July 2012 Job Skills for an Automated Worldby ASME Strategic Issues CommitteeThere is concern that technology is undermining the economy and causing widespread unemployment. Economists often describe the dislocation and unemployment caused by new technologies creative destruction. The process of technology destroying jobs is not a new concern. Nor is it a process without plenty of pain and suffering for those workers who dont have the skills to succeed in todays competitive job market.Studies based on previous periods of creative destruction show that this current low point will likely give way to growth in new industries based on new technologies. However, in the process, automation is continuously removing low skilled jobs which may never be replaced. Factory floor automation has removed many of the quality manufacturing jobs that formed the backbone of the middle class. Now information technology is taking over the functions of many service sector jobs from touch screen order systems in restaurants to high-end decision support tools for healthcare workers.The health of the economy depends on the ability of workers to retrain and for highly skilled entrepreneurs to create new opportunities for them. Jobs in growing areas such as science, engineering and management rely heavily on the continuous improvement of skills and high levels of creativity. They are supported by policies that value entrepreneurship, protect intellectual property, reduce burdensome regulation and provide superb educational opportunities for students and existing workers.Over the next decade, creativity will be the fuel that drives economic growth.Computers and advanced robotics will continue to take over tasks that are too time-consuming, too tedious, or too complex or laborious for human endeavors in both the manufacturing and service sectors. However, the skills that drive creativity (imagin ation, neuheit and interaction), and provide a competitive advantage in a highly competitive global market, may never be fully replicated in machines. Those nations, communities and companies that value imagination, innovation and interaction will have the capacity to adapt and thrive in an automated world.Imagination Imagination is the ability to create new ideas, products and solve problems through the power of insight.neuschpfung Innovation is the iterative process of creating more effective products, processes and technologies.Interaction Interaction is a vital part of society and drives creativity through the cross fertilization of ideas and experience.These three skills are highly interdependent on one another. Jonah Lehrer in his book Imagine provides numerous examples of breakthroughs created through an imaginative insight that is refined through a constant process of iteration that uses both sides of the brain. This process is heightened by the sharing of new ideas and expe riences. It is for this reason that companies as different as 3M and Google regularly rotate scientists and engineers across divisions.Mechanical engineers and engineering companies that are able to harness the power of imagination, innovation and interaction will be in demand regardless of the development of new technology. Narrowly defined technical skills may become obsolete due to the development of new technology, but the ability to imagine and innovate will always remain in demand. By the same token, the ability of engineers to interact in diverse human networks will become more important as the scope and complexity of engineering projects increase.Implications for ASMEMany of the current examples that demonstrate the power of creativity arise from the melding of engineering with other fields of study, such as the biological sciences. ASME can play a vital role by monitoring this growing area of research and sharing the findings with their members and partners. ASME can also w ork as an intermediary that facilitates interaction inside and outside the field of mechanical engineering. The first step may be bringing together experts from outside the engineering field with mechanical engineers to discuss imagination, innovation and interaction. ASME could also work with its partners to encourage and develop curriculum for engineers that advance these skills.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Socially Conscious Hardware Designs Showcased at ISHOW USA

Socially Conscious Hardware Designs Showcased at ISHOW USA Socially Conscious Hardware Designs Showcased at ISHOW USA Socially Conscious Hardware Designs Showcased at ISHOW USA June 29, 2018 (Left to right) Adriana Lombardi Franco and Flix Escalante Delgado of Team Solar Coffee Roaster pose with their ISHOW trophies alongside fellow ISHOW winners Luis Silva-Velasco from Team NeoVent and Carlos Castro-Gonzalez from Team PointCheck. Eight teams of entrepreneurs presented their hardware-led, socially beneficial inventions in Washington, D.C., earlier this month at the third ASME Innovation Showcase (ISHOW) of the year, ISHOW USA. Three teams two based in the United States and one hailing from Peru were named the grand prize winners of the event, which took place on June 21 at the District Architecture Center.The three winning teams will share $500,000 in cash and in-kind prizes with the winners of the two previous ISHOWS, which were held in Bangalore, India, in April and Nairobi, Ke nya, in May. (Left to right) Carlos Castro-Gonzales of Team PointCheck accepts the 3D-printed ISHOW trophy from ISHOW judge Peter Larsen of FormLabs and Paul Scott, director of the ISHOW program. One of the winning teams at ISHOW USA, from the Massachusetts-based company Leuko, is the creator of PointCheck, a non-invasive, portable device that allows for the early detection of low neutrophil levels in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Since chemotherapy can lower neutrophil levels, which inhibits the bodys ability to fight infections, early detection of low neutrophil levels could help thousands of patients being treated with chemotherapy avoid infections. Other systems that detect low neutrophil levels require blood draws and laboratory analyses.For Carlos Castro-Gonzalez, who represented his company Leuko at the competition, being selected as one of the grand prize winners meant recognition and validation. He said The judges were really experts in their fields. They are peo ple that know how to take hardware products to market, and they have done that several times. And the fact that they recognize that we are on a good track to do so means a lot to us. Castro-Gonzalez went on to say that the teams cash prize would be used to hire a consultant to help the company develop a strategy for working with the FDA, which is an important next step for his team. (Left to right) ASME ISHOW Director Paul Scott, Adriana Lombardi Franco and Flix Escalante Delgado of Team Solar kreuzung Coffee Roaster, and ASME President-Nominee Richard Laudenat, who served as one of the judges at ISHOW USA.Flix Escalanta Delgado and Adriana Lombardi Franco, two representatives from the Lima, Peru-based company Compadre, were also named grand prize winners for their product, the Solar Hybrid Coffee Roaster. Their technology enables small, rural farmers in Peru, who do not have access to electricity and normally sell their coffee beans raw, to roast their own beans using sunlight. Be cause raw beans are much cheaper than roasted beans, the ability to roast their beans allows these rural farmers to increase their revenue streams and profits. In plus-rechnen to its economic benefits for farmers, the solar roasting process also promotes organic practices and reduces carbon dioxide output.While conceding that winning the prize money was a boon for her company, Lombardi Franco was also grateful for the opportunity to meet and interact with the ISHOW judges and technical advisors. Other competitions we have participated in were more formal it was just the pitch and then the judges decided on winners, she said. Here, we were really happy that we got to spend time with the judges so they could learn about us, our enterprise, and our company. The two hours we had with the judges was really necessary to explain our company. It was great not to be judged just on a five-minute pitch. Also, the judges and technical advisors gave us feedback right away. Some interesting idea s came out from that judging. Luis Silva-Velasco of Team NeoVent gives his pitch at the ISHOW reception prior to being announced ISHOW USA winner. The third winning team, AIM Tech from Michigan, is the developer of NeoVent, a non-invasive, dual-pressure ventilator for use in rural countries such as Nepal, where as many as 50,000 infants die every year, primarily as a result of respiratory ailments due to infections and premature births. AIM Tech aims to solve that problem with their ventilator, which is easy-to-use, does not require continuous electricity, and can be built for less than $20.Luis Silva-Velasco, who represented AIM Tech at the competition, noted that his team planned to use their share of the prize money to fund more pilot studies and clinical trials and work toward FDA clearance. Silva-Velasco added that receiving input from the judges was a particularly rewarding aspect of the competition. I think the judges identified quite a few things we can improve on, he sa id. I think we need to change our implementation strategy, to work more on customer needs. The team also needs to build and launch a robust supply chain in order to build the product, Silva-Velasco said. Flix Escalante Delgado and Adriana Lombardi Franco of Team Solar Hybrid Coffee Roaster consult with ISHOW judges on their implementation strategies prior to being announced ISHOW USA winners. ASME President Said Jahanmir commended the three winning teams for their vision and the positive effect their products could have throughout the world. The extraordinary inventions put forward by PointCheck, NeoVent, and Solar Hybrid Coffee Roaster will make it possible for doctors to do more to help their patients and farmers to become more productive, making it possible for families and communities across the world to achieve greater quality of life, he said. Their display of creativity and ingenuity, and that of their peers, fully embodies the spirit of ISHOW and exemplifies the poten tial of tomorrows engineering problem-solvers and social entrepreneurs.For more information on the ISHOW program and the winners and finalists for the three events in 2018, visit www.thisishardware.org.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Assistant Manager Job Description Resume - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt

Assistant Manager Job Description Resume - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt What to Expect From Assistant Manager Job Description Resume? If this Assistant Store Manager resume example was not sufficient for you, youre absolutely free to review several other samples and schablones from our website. As a Walmart assistant manager, youll be accountable for a wide selection of tasks within the shop. Small stores may have just one assistant manager. Utilize Monsters customer service manager job description template to allow it to be less difficult for you to attain this objective. Understanding Assistant Manager Job Description Resume The assistant manager is also responsible for scheduling meetings and keeping up a superior working environment, and tracking the improvement of the firms objectives over a given time period. Later on, management assistants have to be a lot more proactive and manage their own work rather than receiving clearly defined assignment s. You should also think of the assistant manager duties and responsibilities he or shes going to have to manage. The drawback with salaried positions is that lots of managers are requested to work over 40 hours without additional damages. A shift manager is a middle management position, with the duty of overseeing several subordinate employees during a certain length of time. Its your duty to recruit, interview, hire and provide the sales team the suitable training. Other duties could be assigned. Calls in replacements in case of an employee call-in or no-show. Streamlining practices and procedures An Executive Assistant must have knowledge of distinct regions of the business and has to make sure their work is synchronized so the business moves forward. It specifies all the expert experience and capacity. Your Assistant Store Manager skills list has to have a terrific mixture of competencies and the ideal attributes to be certain all efforts equate to success. Knowledge and Skills Requirements To turn into a thriving bank assistant manager, an individual must have strong leadership skills that could inspire and be in a position to mentor a group of individuals. Financial management is also accepted in addition to other relevant fields. Salaries depend on an array of factors, for example, size and variety of your employer, your experience and location. Know Your Target Its always a great idea to customize your resume to fulfill the expectations and demands of your target employer. Because it is a very relevant topic for the work seeker, theyre likely to carry on reading the job posting whenever the info is placed here. Simply click the link provided. Finding the Best Assistant Manager Job Description Resume The job of an overall manager is one which entails great respect and responsibility and an excessive amount of work for the man or woman unternehmensverbund that title or position. The most important manager might be the one officially in charge, but generally the assistant manager is the individual that ensures the simplicity of activities in the organization. An assistant manager plays an extremely important function in any administrative setting. On case of the manager not having the ability to carry out their duties, the assistant manager should have the ability to step in the managers shoes and coordinate various characteristics of the restaurants working. To direct you in making a top-notch, persuasive and accurate job description, here is an assistant office manager job description sample that it is possible to utilize to help come up with the most suitable structure and the proper methods to word the job which you are advertising. Please note this work description will be different based on the organization and the needs youve got for the contribution from the individuals holding the place of manager. It is intended to convey information essential to understanding the scope of the managers position and it is not intended to be an exhaustive list of experience, skills, efforts, duties, responsibilities or working conditions associated with the position. It can easily be adapted for your own needs. What Is So Fascinating About Assistant Manager Job Description Resume? With an excellent job description, youre guaranteed in order to pull the best candidates to your organization. Ive been successful at the job and I can help you get where you would like to be with your company. These websites are also employed by potential employers to discover more about job applicants. Because each work opportunity differs, the resume you use for each application ought to be slightly different. Assistant managers have lots of responsibility, and this job demands great leadership abilities. Utilize your Assistant Store Manager resume objective to demonstrate the prospective employer you know the job by heart and that you could manage every region of the business without them having to be concern ed about anything in any way. There are many advantages to becoming Assistant Store Manager. Furthermore, you can look for assistant manager jobs on Monster. The Assistant Manager Job Description Resume Chronicles Possessing a positive mindset will permit you to keep everything in perspective and keep in mind your unemployment is simply short-term. Additionally, it describes about the skilled abilities, managing ability of the individual that is appropriate for job. To alleviate any financial stresses, its possible to always locate a part-time job. Youre very likely to begin by managing a small team and progress to taking responsibility for a whole shift. Youre predicted to create schedules that ensure theres the needed quantity of staff in any respect times and motivate them in order to keep up a positive work atmosphere. For instance, you might attempt to send out a specific number of resumes weekly. An ordinary work week includes five eight-hour shifts. To take advant age of opportunities you should be flexible about working shifts and geographically mobile in your region.

Monday, December 2, 2019

I Code For BuzzFeed And I Was An English Major

I Code For BuzzFeed And I Was An English Major Paola Maldonado, BuzzFeeds mobile developer talks about zu sich incredible career reinvention, Latinas in tech and how PowerToFly helped her land her dream job.Im working as Mobile Developer on the exciting new BuzzFeed News app. Ive been there for a little over a month, and I couldnt be happier. I have been learning so much, and Im psyched to be writing code that will potentially reach millions. As a bonus, I get to work with great, talented people every day.You did elend start out as a developer. What welches your original career?Though I did have a good amount of programming experience in high school, in college, I actually majored in English. Ive always been fascinated by language, I love the classics, and I fantasized about being a writer, so it seemed like the right choice. Alas, upon graduating, I had no idea what to do with my degree, and I was soon stuck in a rut at administrative positions that were unsatisfying.You changed car eers and taught yourself how to code. Explain to our readers how you did this. How long did it take? What classes did you take?mucksmuschenstill dreaming about being a writer, I started a blog to share some of my work, but I soon found I spent more time changing the layout of my blog than doing actual writing. I decided to learn HTML CSS, so that I could do even more customization. I took an online course via Skillcrush. I enjoyed it so much that I started to consider it as a potential career change.I began applying to bootcamp courses, and I was soon accepted into the Access Code pilot program, where I was introduced to iOS. This program was perfect at that time, because it allowed me to keep my full time job while I was learning. After the course concluded, I accepted a full time 6-month paid internship at startup Viggle, where I got firsthand experience at a tech company, working with an engineering team, using a project management tool and version control. The experience was in valuable, and it made me solidify my decision to pursue mobile development, but I did not yet feel confident about my skills, so I continued my education. I took a second bootcamp course, at Turn To Tech, which included an internship, and in a few short months I started to get some great job offers.And during this time you found out about PowerToFly. What was the process of finding a job like?I found PowerToFly via Twitter back in August 2014, and I was so excited to learn about the company and the platform it was aiming to launch. I signed up for the email list to stay informed. Not long after then, PowerToFly actually reached out to me through Twitter via NYCTechLatinas, the Meetup group I help organize, regarding a possible collaboration. I had the opportunity to speak with PowerToFlys Community Manager, who, once she realized I was looking for work, encouraged me to set up a PowerToFly profile. This lead me to interview at Buzzfeed where I got the job and currently workYou are t he co-founder of NYCTechLatinas. Tell us a little bit about that group.NYCTechLatinas was founded with the purpose of creating a community of Latinas in technology. Latinas are hugely underrepresented in tech, but we are definitely out there. Our goal is to connect and empower these women, which we do by hosting monthly events, including professional workshops, networking opportunities, and most recently a hackathon aimed at giving back to the community.What other networking avenues would you recommend?In addition to NYCTL events, I also attend iOS Meetup events. If there is something youre interested in learning, whether its JavaScript or Product Management, I guarantee theres a Meetup for it.I also use Twitter for networking purposes. Ive reached out to women via social media, and have had women contact me as well. I am always happy to share my experiences to help and inspire other women. Definitely put yourself out there and be reachable.Can you provide us with any other addition al tips for women looking for a career change?Learning to code is no easy feat. You really need to believe in yourself and stick with it. Its certainly not something that you learn overnight. In total, it took me a year and a half from the time I started learning to the day I accepted a full time job offer. I think I could have accomplished this in less time, but admittedly what held me back was my own fear that I couldnt do it. There were plenty of times when I doubted myself and thought about giving up. Once I made up my mind that, yes, I could absolutely do this, thats when I started to see real progress, not only in my confidence, but also in my skill. Its incredible how negative thoughts can really cloud your mind. For this reason, I also recommend you reach out to other women in tech via Twitter, e-mail, or other online forums, and create a good support network.Last, do your research There are so many resources out there, many of them free. Find out which way of learning works for you, whether its books, online courses, in-person courses, and then just go for it. You can do itYou can find out more about Paola on her PowerToFly profile. One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistic sreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the wertzuwachs of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is boo ming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income potenzial/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achie vement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to zupflmmel up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.